Hi I'm Isabell

A little of my story

It started out by asking myself: Why?

the whole story

I am sure you remember the reason that made you start questioning why people behave the way they do. My story involves a restaurant, a dance, and a journey of 9,000 miles.

When I was little, my parents owned a restaurant, where I was exposed to a wide variety of different people from a very young age. How and why people acted differently sparked my interest early on. Once I was older and involved in my own everyday teenage dramas, I started to think more about why people behaved the way they did and, therefore, began my journey into the world of behavioral psychology. 

For the longest time, I was nothing more than an armchair expert until going to therapy myself pointed out the obvious path for me: going to school to pursue my passion and make it my career. In my studies, I have formed a much deeper and much healthier understanding of our behavioral patterns as humans. I am fascinated by how everyone is on their own path, inspired by their unique ways of thinking, and how these paths intersect and interact with others. 

I believe that a good therapist will never tell you what to do or act as a guru whom you seek advice from. I am all about building self-efficacy and connecting you to your own life so you feel empowered to find the solutions you seek within you. This can give you the perfect base to move on in your life, trusting and respecting yourself. I wish for you to become a person you admire and feel secure enough to know that you can weather any storm that comes your way. 

If you are interested in a chat, please do not hesitate to reach out! I am looking forward to hearing from you. 

All the best,

This little corner of the internet is dedicated to making you feel
proud to be yourself.

It may sound cliché, but you truly have no time to waste feeling uncomfortable in your own skin. There’s no reason not to strive every day to feeling how you want to feel in your life.


Let's connect: @isabell.grooms